Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Corps of the Bare-Boned Plane (Part 3)

 Okay, I really need to finish this book. I've had it for a while. In the last post I mentioned that the fact that Jocelyn was crying was not important to the story but it actually was. Because she was crying Meline wanted to get her to do something rather than going into the muddy wet forest to cry. She came up with building a plane from the destroyed planes that crashed when the Corps of the Bare-Boned Plane was taking place a long time ago. The parts weren't obvious and out in the open so for four days they looked but found nothing. They woke up everyday at 2:00 in the morning to go out and find some pieces from planes but found none. Until, one day Jocelyn though she saw the glaring red eyes of an animal but when closely investigating found out that it was a part of a plane. They struggled to carry it to a nearby barn behind their house but when they got it there they left it and went to sleep. Because it always rains on the island Ms. Mendlebaum and Meline were caught with a fever. This meant that she couldn't go outside to find plane parts for a while. Ms. Mendlebaum did eventually hire a butler named Humdinger (Hum-dinjer) so he was able to cook and clean while everyone else was doing their own thing either being sick in bed or studying god knows what. Christmas was coming up so the house was a little more festive putting everyone in a happier mood than normal. There was a lot of fuss over who would cook but only because Ms. Mendlebaum was unaware of Humdinger's doings. After a while everything calmed down, a doctor met with Meline, and Jocelyn got some time to herself for once.

 The conflict in the story is different for each character. Meline and Jocelyn are mostly Person vs Self conflict. Trying to beat their grief after their parents had died and bored out of their minds on the island until they found something to do. Jocelyn is also under Person vs Society being the only one there that was raised with the thought of always having manners. Mr Martin is also under Person vs Society because he's normally by himself then in a matter of days, his house is full of people. He once locked himself in his room by putting a drawer in front of the door to be away from everyone, but forgot he put it there and thought his door suddenly disappeared. 

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