Friday, October 3, 2014

Lemon Brown

        Lemon Brown is a pretty interesting story. When I read it I was mostly bored to be honest, but as I kept reading I became more and more interested. When the thugs came into Lemon Brown's "home" I really started to wonder what his treasure was. What was Lemon Brown hiding? Was it a lot of money? If so why was he homeless? So I kept on reading and found out that Lemon Brown's treasure was...something. Not money but...something. This story connects to what I've learned in Lit. Studies class because Lemon Brown used to have a job, money, a family, everything. He sang the blues and people used to call him "Sweet Lemon". From what we've learned I know that just because you have a job doesn't mean you can't be homeless. You could suffer from underemployment which is where you don't get payed enough to cover your bills or enough to buy food. This story really interested me because it was a constant change of a lecture to action, action to suspense, suspense to story time, and story time to realization. Realization was near the end. At the beginning Greg was kind of annoyed at his father because he gave him a lecture about how he needs to get his grades up in Math. After Greg met Lemon Brown he wasn't annoyed but happy because he knew that the reason his father wanted this was because he cared about him.

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