I like this book. I haven't read much of it and I already know I like this book. I will say way later. First, the book. Seeing Red is the story, so far, about a boy named Frederick Stewart Porter who goes by Red sometimes. From the beginning of the book we learn his father had died and he was left as the "man of the house". He tends to talk to his dad evn though he passed and he usually says, "Don't worry Daddy, I'm going to take care of this place. You can count on me." His dad and him owned a car repair shop and they used to have conversations about cars all the time, now that he was gone the place felt empty to Red. So he started talking to his Dad, alone. The entire first chapter is explaining mostly this. Later, we learn about how Red's mom is suffering through some depressing times after her husband's death. To move on she took the approach of getting rid of most if not everything that he used to own, except for one of the clothes that Red now wears. Red thought that was it, that's as far as she would take it, but this wasn't the case. By overhearing conversation and putting pieces together, Red learns that his mom was planning on moving from the little village Red had lived in since birth. He freaked out and ran being Mr. Dunlip's house where he met his daughter, Rose. He explained the situation to her and didn't know what to do until Rose suggested having a seance. You know, where you use an ouija board to communicate with the dead. Red didn't know what else to do and I guess desperate times called for desperate measures. That night Red brought the clothe his dad used to own, went to his dad's grave where they planned on meeting, and attempted to have the seance. It didn't work out becasue Rose's brother, who joined them because they were "too young to be at a cemetary at midnight", made fun of the situation causing anger and the whole thing to stop. That is all I have read so far, which means I should really start reading.
Now, the reason I already like this book. I am going to compare it to a movie or videogame. When I watch a movie I haven't seen or play a new game, I make an automatic judgement based on how it presents itself at the beginning. Because I don't read books as much as I watch movies, I don't do it purposfully or as much. I also don't like making judgements until I finish something but it isn't easy to go through a book, movie, or videogame when you don't like how it starts. I liked how Seeing Red started because it jumped to a problem right away, Red's dad died. It used this to explain the plot, characters, setting, most of everything. It used Red's memories of ties with his dad where he lived to introduce us to the characters and not once did it feel like all the author was doing was explaining. It came naturally and I really enjoyed that. Books like The Hunger Games and The Lord of the Rings have slow beginnings and can be difficult to get into, which is why I haven't finished either of them. Same goes with any form of entertainment to be honest but I feel that with a book it requires a bit more creativity on how you present it thoughtfully, with a movie it requires thought about how you present it visually, and with a videogame it requires thought on how you present it in an entertaining and simple so not to confuse the person.
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