Thursday, March 26, 2015


 Tolerance : The ability or willingness to alloq the existence, occurrence, or practice of something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necissarily agree with.

 How can you be more tolerant of other people? I like to think of myself as a tolerant person. Having a big family there are a few who wouldn't be considered by intolerant people to be "normal". A way to be more tolerant is by thinking if their beliefs or ways could effect you in any way. You don't have to agree with their ways, just accept it and move on. It won't effect you or change the way you see things and if it does then that just means you're open minded. Open minded people tend to be the most tolerant because they see everyone having their own beliefs and maybe want to try it out if it interests them. There are things of course that they can't try out, you just have to be born with it. You know like GLBT, it's not something people choose to be, it's just the way they are. If you do think it's a choice then why don't you (if you're straight) try to be attracted to the same sex by choice. Can't do it. You weren't born with the gene. So, in conclusion, to be tolerant try have an open mind. You don't have to agree with every religion or way of living, but accept that that's the way people are and move on.

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